JAKARTA - President Bindang Special Staff of Social Assistance and Natural Disasters Andi Arief claimed to have evidence that the civilization of Indonesia at the time of 4700 BC has been so high. It is based on the results of research on Mount Padang.
"This is the first time clear evidence is found in Indonesia. This is expected to be a pioneer in uncovering the Pre-History of Indonesia which is always assumed to be primitive by many people, including archaeologists, "he told reporters in an electronic message to Legal, Monday (13/02/2012).
Andi said of the geoelectric survey, Georadar, Geomagnet, and drilling indicates that the Megalithic site of Mount Padang is not as simple as it is already known but very unusual.
"At the bottom of the site that looks dipuncak hill there was a building structure, at least, to a depth of 20 meters from the summit as seen from the geoelectric and georadar and already diverivikasi by drilling data. Of geoelectric data strongly suspected that the structure of this building to meet all of the top of the hill to the parking level, or approximately 100 meter high, "he said.
According to him, Gunung Padang findings are consistent with the results of Oppenheimer's research that the archipelago nation since before 10,000 years ago was the center of agricultural technology, animal husbandry, and the voyage to Asia-Pacific region, and even the World.
"From the aspect of disaster mitigation, the findings of dikedalaman sand 3-5 meters below the top of the site may be the legacy of 'wisdom of the past' in anticipation of disasters due to earthquake shaking. Location is very close to the fracture site Cimandiri, "he explained.
He added there are similarities between the character and geometry of the resistivity structure of Mt Sadahurip and Mount Padang, in addition to many unique phenomena in Sadahurip is hard to explain the process and geological formations.
"The results showed no kesamaaan superstring geoelectric structure patterns common among Sadahurip and Gunung Padang, namely: the upper" red hat ", beneath the blue that covered by a red cup. Therefore Sadahurip research needs to continue to drill to obtain good results , "he said.
The results in Banda Aceh, Batujaya, and Trowulan, Andi continued, showing the relationship between the history of civilization and natural disasters. If people knew about the disaster of the past which had destroyed the country such as the tsunami in Aceh Ages 14 and 15 then there will be many casualties in 2004 were mostly caused by this ignorance.
"The site is considered to be a lot of the history of archaeological research has been 'finished' as Trowulan was still save a lot of historical mysteries buried beneath it. It can only be revealed by the method of "arkeo-geology". Similarly, many sites that look swell just a few meters on the surface and by archaeologists in the trenching only 1-2 feet away turned out to save the body building up to a depth of 15 meters and even more likely to save the mystery of the history of ancient civilizations are layered, "he said.
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