Thursday, November 3, 2011

Economic Crisis Europe, America, World Towards a Third World War?

Economic Crisis Europe, America, World Towards a Third World War?
Published By horizonwatcher under Opinion / Opinion Tags: Europe, financial crisis, global crisis, causes of world war, Greek riot, conspiracy theories

The world economy is facing a complicated situation that could lead to the reappearance of the global economic crisis (perhaps with a more severe level), due to the economic crisis of Europe and the United States, where some parties and some have predicted this will culminate in a third world war. Perhaps it seemed too extreme predictions and fetched, but the theories that circulated possibility will always exist.
Among the interesting articles that I received about this prediction is Dominic Sandbrook article that was published in the international news site UK dailymail entitled "Europe At War 2018 As Angela Merkel Says Euro Could Spark Battle Meltdown" (European War In 2018 As Angela Merkel Says Euro Fall Can Come Up With War). I do not know if the author really meant to predict or just a mere sensational fiction writing. What is clear writings were made as a follow-up or response to a statement of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, who recently said in the presence of EU leaders, "No one should believe that there must be fifty years of peace as we have already passed in Europe (after the second world war) because there is no guarantee. So I say again: If the euro collapses, Europe had collapsed. And it must not happen "
The author, Dominic Sandbrook, it looks like is a pretty well-known academics in the UK, particularly as a historian. He was actively writing, among the books that he published.
If you read the text directly (please click the link above), then what is he to say or tell in the form of half-fictional essay is in part will be very likely to occur. Especially regarding what could happen in European countries, especially in countries which are experiencing economic problems (which obviously Greek, then who is also currently keteteran such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc.).
In the crisis experienced by some European countries today, the application of the capitalist economic system is considered as one cause (or at least that's accusation some people). Public confidence in the west against capitalism itself also began to wear off, especially face the fact that only a handful of the rich who holds the world economic control by giant corporations, while their greed has caused the world economy bawdy chaotic. And the reader would still remember a few moments ago, simultaneously throughout the world, especially in western countries acts of concern and mass protests against the prevailing economic system today, which is also a form of protest against the behavior of greedy rich people in control global economy, namely "occupy Wall Street Day".
The economic crisis in several countries belonging to the Eurozone (EU) also makes the Euro problematic, mainly due to the crisis experienced by Greece, where the country has helped fund of hundreds of billions of euros (thousand trillion) of the European Union within two times the bailout package. With the help of funding that's not even sure Greece out of the crisis, it's no wonder the EU and the IMF in providing bailout funds to give a lot of tough conditions in the form of Implementation stringent economic policies that have run the government of Greece, where the effect is the negative impact of the economic life of society. So the Greek people were protesting, and could create chaos several times in various cities. They felt treated unfairly because of people like is they who must bear the brunt of people mistake a group of wealthy and powerful. They were angry with the EU and the IMF that treat this and dictating their country. One form of their tantrums lately is the emergence of a poster image German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, with full Nazi dress (European leaders including Angela Merkel, which strongly emphasizes the importance of the EU stick together and not broken, and together help although it must resolve the crisis with the policies of super tight).
The economic crisis experienced by Greece is harmful to other developed countries in Europe such as Germany, Britain, and France. This is due money from their central bank is being used or lent to Greece so far. So also in countries whose economy is also problematic as Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc.. If there is congestion of funds, then the inevitable financial disruption in the major countries, and economic disruption had become inevitable.
There is another alternative that is Greece and the countries of the European Union issued problematic. However, many parties felt the effects of discharge of Greece would be a worse precedent for the EU. To be sure if the Greeks out then threatened the integrity of the European Union, and it could be that countries will also be other problems out. This means that European countries will be fragmented again, after they were painstakingly put together in one container. Kepercayaaan level of market participants and economic collapse was definitely direct to the lowest point, and the effect of falling global stocks will be very severe. What is clear warnings of worse effects and great will happen, at least that's briefly what I understand from reading the news and writing there. Even Angela Merkel boldly declare the failure of the European Union would be dangerous for the peace of Europe itself, and there is no guarantee states a time there will not fight each other as never happened before-before (like during world war).
Back to discuss the war in an article predictions Dominic Sandbrook, he was telling stories and imagination, what he had been warned Angela Merkel really happened. Starting from the social turmoil of riot prolonged and worsened in Greece, to the extent that a bomb explosion appeared in the economic centers such as banks, so that eventually diturunkanlah EU troops to Greece. Greece came out of the European Union, the economic recession ensued in Europe, resulted in stocks falling the most in history. As a result, public mistrust of capitalism became stronger, hit the country Italy, Spain, and eventually spread to many other countries including France in the form of the mass chaos that diumumkanlah emergency status in these countries. The result appears authoritarian governments in order to restructure the social situation of social life, and increasingly stronger influence and power of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi that in such conditions had to be re-elected or elected. The deteriorating condition of the chaos in Italy helped make France with his army mobilizes. Along with that sense of nationalism rose in each country, marked by the rejection of each state's stringent economic policies offered by the European Union, and European Union were on the verge of collapse. Exaggerated sense of nationalism was created hatred against foreigners and immigrants. Horizontal conflicts between different society groups ensued thus worsen the atmosphere. The atmosphere is found in nearly all western European countries. In eastern Europe there was the same thing, as in Latvia, which is used by Russia to reduce troops on the grounds calming atmosphere. In fact, the Russian army under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin (most of the Russian people began to "deify" him at this time), continue to enter Estonia, and Lithuania, Belarus, and Moldova, where western Europe can not do anything, but was busy with the affairs and deployment of troops, Russian soldiers also argued that the reason they go to other countries as well as by reason of the entry of Greece into the European Union army. Then in between the head of state, such as French President, a strong desire to remain together and then turns into extreme Europe and want to be a new Napoleon. And please read the sequel itself, the conclusion is ultimately the outbreak of war in Europe. That's about the content of these writings Dominic Sandbrook.
I myself saw the writing is put forward Dominic Sandbrook could have happened, let alone see the anti-capitalist movement is increasingly widespread as the economic collapse, loss of quality of life, and rising unemployment in several European countries. A tumultuous period of social chaos is very easy going, especially for people who pinched economy. Still remember the fall of Suharto after a severe economic crisis that followed the demonstration, and acts of looting and chaos of tumultuous times in several big cities in Indonesia? In Greece it's already happened several times, and will probably continue to happen. In the UK a few months ago the capital was London was paralyzed for several days due to the mass looting that started from the trivial.
It only took the deployment of troops, and then accompanied the ambition of certain parties who wish to fish in troubled waters (unfortunately many people who type like this), then the war is no longer an impossibility.
On the one hand, history never recorded how the second world war occurred one of them driven by the economic crisis on the countries that lost the war in the first world war. With the economic crisis came to understand and the national movement (nationalism) extreme, namely fascism, as Hitler with Nazinya.
Then draw another view of the fact that the economic crisis has also hit the United States today, which if still can not be managed can lead to the destruction of the American economy. In this case I took a little conspiracy theory, one where war was created to encourage the growth of the arms industry, for export to countries involved in the war so that the economy in the exporting country again flourish. And the United States in its history has experienced severe economic crisis (malaise). The exit from the crisis the United States is one of them due to demand for its weapons from Europe who are fighting one another. Even not stop there, at the end of the second world war, the United States emerged as a superpower in the world.
Also interesting to see some political figures in Europe today are classified as dominant, such as Nicolas Sarkozy, who is capable of lifting back the prestige and position of France to the stage of world politics, Angela Merkel who had strong support from within Germany, Berlusconi in Italy who appear " exotic ", Valdimir Putin and Russia with a respected, solid, and even revered people. Is the ego of the dominant figures at the end of colliding with each other because they want to be the most influential? I do not know ....
Moreover we know also Russians often take different positions with the United States and the European Union. Russia as a country holding the former Soviet Union's superpower fraction is actually trying to back up and exert influence. And Russia's relatively close to China and North Korea as compared to western countries. If it happens to 'clash' between Russia and other influential European countries, I can imagine North Korea and China will get involved. Moreover, if 'provoked' by the friendly countries of Western Europe, namely the United States from the Pacific through its allies like Japan and South Korea. Looking at this scenario, if the third world war is really happening, would very likely will again be a war on two fronts the western front (Europe), and on the Eastern Front (Pacific) as the second world war then.
Then return to the conspiracy theory I ever heard, whether true or not, in theory it is mentioned there are actually several parties or groups who are willing and planning to menskenariokan war against the backdrop of the world's belief system. In this conspiracy theory of them even mentioned a systematic plan has been arranged ahead of time several years ago, what-what they rencakan happening in the world so getting closer to their ultimate goal which is a new world order. No wonder, as mentioned the supporters of this conspiracy theory, there are some events that have occurred in the world that really fit with the master plan (master plan) of this group. If we hold on to this conspiracy theory, maybe the war presented a prediction of European academics who I heard this right-wing political leaning is a 'leak' of the master plan. I hope not, and hopefully there are conspiracy theories that it was just a figment.
What is clear at this time the world is at a point of uncertainty in various fields. Economy is very fragile, and might at any moment into a recession. Various parts of the world is full of turmoil, bloodshed, and war. And we who had lived in the era of peace in the last 50-60 years it is worth considering the historical facts to back, that in human history on earth is always busy with the war from time to time. Still not exactly the old second world war (60 something years ago); previously there is also a world war one. Then before that in the 1800's there in between the wars in Europe with its Napoleon, and the colonial war between the parties with a colonized country. In the 1700s there is also the wars and chaos as the American revolution, the French revolution, and so on. Continued to retreat to the back, the war was always there in the history of mankind on earth. A sad fact indeed.
Hopefully Dominic Sandbrook writing fiction is that Europe's economic crisis will lead to the emergence of war in Europe (meaning also the war in the world) do not become a reality, and hopefully also the belief of some third world war was a matter of time is a wrong prediction.

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