Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Origin of Garuda

Garuda is a mythical bird, half-man half-bird, wahanaWisnu. He is the king of birds and is a descendant of Kasyapa and Winata, one of the daughters of Daksha. He is the mortal enemy of the snake, a trait inherited from his mother, who had quarreled with his wife and fellow supervisor, namely Kadru, mother of the serpent.

Garuda is very light rays so that the gods thought him Agni (Fire God) and worship him. Garuda is often depicted has a head, wings, tail and snout hawk, and the body, hands and feet of a human being. White face, red wings, and his body was golden.

He has a son named Sempati (Sampāti) and his wife was Unnati or Wināyakā. According to the book of the Mahabharata, his parents gave him the freedom to prey on humans, but should not Brahmins. One time, he swallowed a Brahmin and his wife. Then his throat burned, and then he spit again.

Garuda is said to have stolen Amrita from the gods to free his mother from the clutches of Kadru. Then Indramengetahuinya and a great fight with him. Amrita can be retaken, but Indra serious injuries and lightning (Bajra) becomes damaged.

Other names Garuda



    Sitānana, 'white face'.

    Rakta-force, 'red wings'.
    Sweta-rohita, 'the white-red'.
    Suwarṇakāya, 'golden body'.
    Gaganeśwara, 'king of the sky'.
    Khageśwara, 'king of the birds'.
    Nāgāntaka, 'dragon killer'.
    Pannaganāśana, 'dragon killer'.
    Sarpārāti, 'enemy of the snakes'.
    Taraswin, 'quick'.
    Rasāyana, 'a fast-moving as the silver'.
    Kāmachārin, 'which go as you please'.
    Kāmāyus, 'living happily'.
    Chirād, 'eat lots'.
    Wiṣṇuratha, 'train Vishnu'.
    Amṛtāharaṇa, 'Amrita thieves'.
    Sudhāhara, 'thief'
    Surendrajit, 'conqueror of Indra'.
    Bajrajit, 'conqueror of lightning'.

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