Thursday, December 29, 2011



The process of creating HEAVEN, EARTH and everything "IN SIX STAGES" Brothers remember that we live here is not without purpose. Allah created humans in not messing around, but there is a purpose, namely to worship or serve the people properly in accordance with the concept of Al-Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet. As ever ordered by Muhammad Rosululloh when performing hajj Farewell '. "I leave with you two things, you will not be lost for ever, if you cling to them, namely Kitabulloh and the Sunnah of Prophet." Thus, it is true that our worship must be in accordance with the Qur'an and as has been exemplified by the Prophet, because the Prophet is an example and role model is good and right for us in our worship to Allah, in Letter 33, paragraph 21. As has been spoken by Allah in the letter of 17 Paragraph 36, that do not follow anything you do not know science because of hearing, sight, and fuada (big brain) will be held accountable by Allah.

Brother, Allah Almighty in these verses teach her to the man many perumpaman language. Of course there is the intent and purpose. According to the Letter 3, paragraph 7 is broad outlines of the Qur'an contain two kinds of verse, that verse and the verse mutashabihat muhkamât. Muhkamât verses are verses whose meaning is concrete, not a parable. Examples of paragraph muhkamât are the verses or the verses of sharia law, and that's what the book or the substance of Umm Al-Qur'an, and others mutashabihat. Mutashabihat word meaning likeness or permisalan, a form of parable, is a style of language of the Qur'an in the abstract to explain something, be explained by using concrete objects as a means of language. Expected with other forms of parable, one can understand what is meant by Allah. The use of natural phenomena as a metaphor, as something abstract that has some similarities with the properties of concrete objects are used as a tool perumpaman it.

Examples mutashabihat language as the story of the Prophet and natural phenomena because of the stories of the prophets and the Prophet and natural phenomena is not just a story and a regular occurrence, but behind all that there are signs and lessons for sensible people. "Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night da day there are signs for people that is reasonable for those who remember Allah, standing, sitting or lying down and are always thinking about the process of creation of the heavens and the earth." (3/190-191 )

Apparently in the process of creation of the heavens and the earth there is some point include the alternation of night and day. As Sunnatulloh described that night would have changed its meaning is between the conditions during the night (dark conditions / dzulumat) ie where the ruling thoghut day conditions (light conditions), namely the law of Allah on earth erect, it must be alternated according to their deadline. And is meant to remember Allah while standing atu sitting or lying down are those who consistently refines both Islamic teachings of Islam in keaadan upright, and close to collapse even though the destruction of Islam. And there is some point of the process of the creation of heaven and earth. Believers who have sense to know that the Quran is not a mere myth, but there are lessons to be taken and implemented in devotion to Allah (12/111). So from here we expected to be schools of Al-Quran and know the science to understand its meaning of these verses.

Now we consider the process of creation of the heavens and the earth and what to do with us in establishing the Deen of Islam. Here Allah created the heavens and the earth and its contents, including human beings were created for six days or six phases (Letter 10 Paragraph 3). In the letter there is the word fi sittati Ayyam, which means six times. Many people who know the meaning sittati Ayyam derived from the word meaning six and yaum Sitta, which means time. But do not know what he meant. This is what we'll discuss in order to establish the deen, we must use the method as represented Ayyam sittati creation of the heavens and the earth, and humans.

Letter of 41 verses 9-12: the process of creating the earth in six days.


Dukhon Baldatan Mayyitan Ma'an Nabatan Hayawan Insan


Gas / Smoke Water Plant Animal Planet died of Man

Created Period Four Period Two Endowed

The process of creation the earth was originally in the form of formless void of matter, only in the form of energy that has not bebentuk. Then the first process to become the earth is millions of years in the energy is turned into gas or hot smoke (dukhon), the gas kenudian memampat eventually clump together and harden into a dead planet (baldatan mayyitan) which comprises a core layer, middle layer and outer layer. On earth terebut not appear life then Allah would bless the earth with water (Ma'an) arising due to meet hidogen gas released from the mountain to meet with the oxygen in the air. For years there was rain, the land is sunken into the sea or rivers and high ground to the mainland. This is the third process, the earth has been blessed by Allah with water, then Allah grow the plants. Starting from pioneer plants such as algae, moss and so on. Finally came the small animals such as single-celled animals and at the end of the creation of the earth, Allah created human beings as an end result penciptan Allah on this earth.

So, Allah in creating the earth in six days where 2 days were created and four times blessed. So it is clear that Darwin's theory is wrong because it's human beings and animals of different species.

So also with the creation of man as well as through the six days, still remember the process of creation of man? That man was created Allah through 6 stages. Beginning in the early humans who came from shulalah (quintessence of land) then the first phase of processing into nuthfah (sperm) and sperm meeting ovum and fused into one eventually becomes alaqoh (blastocysts). Then alaqoh evolve and become mudghoh (embryo) then mudghoh strengthened with the formation of bone-soft beluang (idzhoman) which dilengapi with muscles (lahman). Then in the final phase of a fetus that is already tiflan sempuran. This is called kholqon akhor (the end result of creation).

Letter of 23 Verses 12-14: The process of human creation in six days


Sperm quintessence blastula embryos Muscles Bones Fetus / baby


Land nutfah Alaqoh Mudghoh Idhoman Lahman Kholqon Akhorsulalah)

It turns out that behind all the earth's creation process and prose creation of man which lasts for six days or six stages, known as Sittati Ayyam, there were signs for us as believers who believe in upholding the Deen of Allah.

As Allah has taught to the Prophet-RosulNya, to Noah, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Both in Taurot, the Gospel and the Qur'an was the same struggle, using the same strategy that is with six stages, which Allah has taught Rosululloh Muhammad in the Quran about the creation of the earth and the process of human creation. For what Allah taught Muhammad about the creation process and what to do with the struggle to uphold the deen? Apparently no other 6 days or 6 stages that digunaan Rosululloh in enforcing deen. Allah has said that the rise of an Islamic Ummah as the creation of man (Letter 31, paragraph 28). So if you want to know their strategies in establishing the Deen of Allah on earth we must pay attention and understand the process of creation of the heavens and the earth and the process of human creation that has dijelaaskan preformance Al-Quran. So Sittati Ayyam is a strategy or marhalah in upholding the Deen of Islam with six stages.

Sebagimana which Allah has commanded, if we want to worship with true science must be based on the Quran and the example of Prophet (33/21). In other words, the struggle or not worship according to the Quran and the Sunna of the Prophet unauthorized worship. True worship must worship as performed by the Prophet who has been described in the Quran. How to worship such as Prophet and the Prophet what was done as described by Al-Quran that Allah sent Prophet goal is to bring a hint of truth and uphold the deen-deen deen above the others even though the polytheists hate it (61 / 9). And the task of the Prophet was the same as did Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus son of Mary and Muhammad, they all disyari'atkan (very required once) to establish the deen and do not divide (42/13).

We as believers also have the same goals as that of the previous Prophet namely An-aqimuddien because the task of establishing the Deen of Islam is a must that be done by the believers and also sebagimana done by the Prophet, namely enforcement with guidance deen of haq (truth), And we also have to follow the example of their struggle with the A-Qur'an because the need to uphold the deen of jihad, while the large yaang jihad with al-Qur'an (25/52). Now we understand it and notice how the process of establishing Deen made by the Prophet that exist in the Qur'an.

Letter of 25 Paragraph 32: Allah, the Koran down gradually. Meaning of Allah's revelation from phase to phase down gradually.


Makkiyah Madaniyah


Sirron Jahron Hijrah qital Futuh Madinatul M. 71 / 9 15/94 4 / 97 22/39-40 48/1-2 21/107

26/214 74/1-2 4 / 100 2 / 216 58/21 10/14

66 / 6

In upholding the Deen as Allah created the earth should be and as a human creation that is Sittati Ayyam (six times). At first humans in a state dholan (false) because humans have done such idolatrous man who likened shulalah (creatures of the land) which is a low-creatures before Allah, then Allah would raise the degree of human and humans make such a glorified Allah.

The first phase is the man who made it recited the verses of Allah and until Mitsaq and ready to establish the Deen of Allah on earth. What do first is that he should come out in the da'wah Sirron secretly or furtively, in a way to convey to the family, relatives, kin, such as that which Allah hath said, save yourself and your family from hell (66 / 6) and give warning to the nearest relatives (26/214). Call upon them secretly (71 / 9).

The second phase is done is because many people already know and are curious about what is done by believers as well as the number of believers who have been so many and people have started an uproar, then our preaching is Jahron ie blatant propaganda. As the first phase of the mission of Muhammad Rosululloh on sirron he successfully asked Siti Khodijah, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Zaid, Abdulloh, and other friends. But after a number of followers of Muhammad more Jahron then he come out in front of the Quraysh.

This phase is called phase two and phase propagation tarbiyah (education / science) and Muhammad established a place for scholarly called Darul Arqom. In this Arqom Darul Muhammad to guide and regeneration of believers then they continued preaching openly (15/94). But most of the Quraish reject Muhammad's teachings and the mission to establish the Deen of Allah. Muhammad and his followers despised, insulted, beaten and spat upon, and dilemparin stone by people mecca even boycotted. Mecca of many people who do not accept his message of Muhammad. Muhammad practically insane (15 / 6), spelled out liar (11/27), mocked (15/11).

The third phase is done is move because Muhammad and his followers are not welcome in Mecca and was no longer living at home with the idolaters. So on the orders of Allah, the believers have to move. As before Muhammad and his followers moved to Yathrib which was later renamed Medina (the first place the establishment of the Deen) as well as the believers who are now fighting for the establishment of the Deen of Allah will do the same because the conditions are no longer allowed to preach in his country. Hijrah is obligatory for the believer in upholding the Deen of Allah (4 / 100).

The fourth phase is qital. Having moved the believers formed shof qital to defend themselves and destroy the disbelievers (61 / 4). Various qital carried by believers to be upright deen of Islam and widespread. In this phase the command of Allah came down to do qital (war) and hukumya mandatory (22/39-40 and 2 / 216).

The fifth phase is Futuh. After conducting the war, Allah has promised the believers will give a real victory (48 / 1) as the struggle waged by the Prophet, Aloh said that I and the Prophet-rosulKu definitely win (58/21). So if the struggle of believers according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet must uphold the deen successful struggle and triumph. While the struggle is not in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet then it is doomed to fail and lose the fight because the fight was false.

The sixth phase is a condition in which Munawaroh Madinatul after winning the believers of Islam set the condition / life of the new system in accordance with the Islamic system. In this condition of Islam had become erect and perfect deen so that the disbelievers have given up (5 / 3). Alyauma akmaltu diinukum (today has been fashioned Islam as your deen). Condition of the world and universe as well as kehidupanmanusia be Rahmatan lil Alamin (21/107).

That's 6 stages of jihad in upholding the Deen Aloh conducted by the believer as practiced by the Prophet that struggle as it is recommended by Aloh to the believers. So if there are struggles that do not use Sittati Ayyam, Allah does not ridho, because the struggle is not based on Sittati Ayyam incompatible with the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet ..

At the later upright deen, Allah promised the believers who keep mitsaqnya and consistent in enforcing the deen of Islam will be rewarded in the world is put in charge of enforcing the law of Allah on earth (24/55) and Aloh also will bequeath to the believers houses , lands, property and even land that they had never even stepped on (33/27). Because at Dien upright vacuum of power will occur and give the disbelievers that Allah will bestow it to the believers who strive to uphold the Deen of Allah. According to the word of Allah that the believers who helped / fight for the deen of Allah then Allah will help him and strengthen his position (47 / 7). This is how could erect the deen of Islam to Al-Quran as a concept, and the Sunnah of Prophet as the application or implementation. Sittati Ayyam this is actually the Sunnah of the Prophet in establishing the Deen of Islam.

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